When I Grow Up

I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. In fifth and sixth grade I planned to be a microbiologist, but that phased out as I transitioned into middle school. In college I studied various things including Manufacturing , Music, and Math, Linguistics, Languages, and Literature. I spent some time planning to be a college professor in Comparative Literature, but somehow that turned into my working in the software industry. But still, I don’t think I’ve got everything figured out. So I guess I’m a little jealous of the Potter boy who had Hagrid show up and say, “You’re a wizard, Harry.”

The story of Harry Potter is basically the story of King Arthur. A nondescript, British orphan is informed of what he is to be. A aged, semi-mysterious wizard oversees the education of the boy into his teen years when he comes of age and eventually is able to claim a role in public service. Along the way is various trial, adventure, and snogging where some details vary.

Apparently I am neither a wizard nor the Once and Future King. No messenger has arrived to reveal what I am to be, so instead I am forced to muddle about on my own. What an adventure that has been so far. I still don’t know what I’m going to be when I grow up, but I’m not dissatisfied with where I am now, and curious to see what the future holds.